Rosemary Essential Oil for Hair

 Rosemary is an herb that's been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments, including skin irritation and hair loss. It contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties which promote healing in your complexion as well as the health of your scalp!

Rosemary oil is an excellent choice for those suffering from alopecia areata as it has been found to help promote healthy hair growth. Rosemarie also helps reduce scalp inflammation, which causes pain and discomfort in some people who suffer with this condition.

Rosemary essential oil has been widely used as a natural remedy for centuries to improve blood circulation and act on the vasodilator properties of this powerful herb! The increased flow of vital fluid provides benefits that are not only seen outside our bodies, but inside too - it can help with hair growth or even Hair Fallouts.

Where to buy rosemary essential oil?

Gya Labs 100% pure rosemary essential oil provides many amazing therapeutic benefits. It can be used as a natural stimulant for hair. Shop Now!

Know about the Rosemary Essential Oil for Skin here

How to Use Rosemary Essential Oil for Hair


·        Massage it directly into your scalp


After taking a bath, massage 5 drops of rosemary essential oils onto your scalp. Let this sit for at least 10 minutes before rinsing out and then Shampoo as normal!


·         Mix it into your shampoo


You can also add 2 to 3 drops directly into any hair product when you apply a dollop of it on your palm before use. This will help protect against conditioning breakage and keep the moisturising properties intact for longer periods!


·         Add it to your own homemade shampoo


There are many recipes online for making your own shampoo. You can add essential oils to give it the fragrance you prefer and make sure that they're mixed with other ingredients like baking soda, coconut oil or even comfrey tea!


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